The Group for more than 50 years...
  20202020 Merger of SeD Logistique into SeD
  2019Membership GKF network
  2018Membership WCA network Iso 9001 version 2015 certification
  2017Customs: Obtention of the AEO-C certification
  2016Obtention of the National Centralized Customs Clearance
  2015Development of the Parcel Offer « Parcel Distribution »
  2014Development of the Offer « REVERSE logistics » TMS setting up
  2013Creation of The Overseas division in Le Mesnil Amelot (Charles de Gaulle Airport)
  2012Creation of the A2DIS subsidiary
  2009Iso 9001 v2008 certification
  2006Start of the SeD e commerce activities
  2004Creation of the offer SeD fashion
  2003Creation of the Transport Department
Iso 9001 v2000 certification
  2001Creation of the Logistics Department
  1998Creation of SeD Logistique within SeD Group which became independent from Dubois Group
  1996Iso 9002 certification
  1971Creation of SeD within the Dubois Group
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